Sunday, July 5, 2009

Album Genius: Debbiedoll!

Not only is her suite awesome, but so is her album!
I found her album VERY creative because it was unlike all the rest!
Why? Because each page had a poem with a picture, and the picture went along with the poem.
Here's a sneak peek... but you can see the rest by clicking here. Debbiedoll, great work, this is definitely a thumbs up! (:

Friday, July 3, 2009

Album Genius: sammie1123!

From now on, this blog will follow the not so quote on quote "famous" on Stardoll.
Everyone wants a chance to be recognized, and gosh darnit they will be!
Soooo, I randomly went through our follower's list. :)
And guess who caught my little eye?
Miss sammie1123!
So I went to her page and looked around, and little did I know that she had an awesome album!
I loved it because it had a lot to do with summer, which you all should know is my favorite season! :D
Take a peek, and don't forget to check the whole thing out by clicking here.
Congrats sammie1123, and nice job!